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By Chris Boyle September 15, 2021
Home Depot provides nearly $1,000 worth of materials for cleanup and beautification efforts.
By Chris Boyle September 15, 2021
County rolls out a work zone safety awareness campaign & a new text message service to alert residents of roadwork.
By Chris Boyle September 15, 2021
Experts say the expiration of extra unemployment benefits should help to reduce unemployment.
By Chris Boyle September 14, 2021
Drew, a seventh-grader at Roslyn Middle School, is highly-ranked in the National Boys 12 and Under Division.
By Lon Cohen September 14, 2021
Planned to feature ten bands playing live music over the course of the celebration.
By Chris Boyle September 14, 2021
We all wish these eight men and one woman God speed and good health on this historic journey to our nation’s capital!
By Chris Boyle September 14, 2021
Defendant allegedly ran 46 cryptocurrency mining devices in county building; cost county thousands of dollars in electricity.
By Chris Boyle September 14, 2021
“After attending a Long Island Regional Planning Council meeting, I was made aware of the need for this website,” said Legislator Anker.
By Lon Cohen September 13, 2021
Tickets include wine tastings, horse racing and souvenir wine tasting glass.
By Lon Cohen September 13, 2021
For the 9th Annual Car Free Day drivers trade theri cars for public transportation, bikes, or walking.
By Chris Boyle September 13, 2021
Due to the reinstitution of the NYS Open Meetings Law wavier, the public hearing will be held over zoom.
By Chris Boyle September 13, 2021
Fernando Garnecho, 55, was wearing a black Homeland Security jacket with law enforcement insignia patches, cops say.
By Chris Boyle September 13, 2021
Puzzle Break offers a selection of amazing birthday party packages at their facility that are ideal for kids ages 7 and up.
By Lon Cohen September 10, 2021
We dug into the archives to find these pictures from Long Island history.
By Chris Boyle September 10, 2021
Reed Lewis, 29, is charged with failing to provide necessary sustenance, including food and veterinary care, to his 3-year-old Pitbull, “Princess.”
By Chris Boyle September 10, 2021
“I am profoundly grateful to all of the sponsors who stepped up to support a wonderful back-to-school tradition in our community,” Legislator Bynoe said.
By Chris Boyle September 10, 2021
42,673 vaccine doses administered over last 24 hours.
By Chris Boyle September 10, 2021
Here are some back-to-school safety tips to keep your little ones safe and secure when they are away from your watchful eye.
By Chris Boyle September 09, 2021
"My top priority is to get children back to school and protect the environment so they can learn, and everyone is safe," Governor Hochul said.
By Chris Boyle September 09, 2021
If convicted of Manslaughter, Lavain Creighton of Greenport, 51, faces a maximum sentence of five to 15 years in prison on each count.